Energizer Bunny

One of the famous marketing campaigns that still stays with me was the Energizer Bunny. Energizer Bunny has appeared in about 115 television commercials. The target audience is universal as everyone uses flashlights, radios, or handhelds that require batter. It was created in competition and parody for the Duracell Bunny with the “nothing lasts longer than energizer slogan”.

Around 1 billion has been spent by Energizer on the Energizer Bunny ads over the past 15 years. A lot of it was spent on TV ads. It has become so popular that several US Presidents compared themselves to Energizer Bunny.

Over these years Duracell still stayed number one over Energizer. Some of the reasons attributed was people really don’t differentiate too much while buying batteries. They were able to associate batteries to bunnies but the packaging were so identical that the differentiation was lost at that point. References



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